Active beauty and nutricosmetics

Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care has recently developed a full CBD cosmetics testing offer for manufacturers and formulators in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific (Getty Images)

Special Edition: Cannabis beauty - innovation and science in CBD and cannabinoids

CBD beauty caution: Industry has not yet ‘mastered’ regulations, says Eurofins

By Kacey Culliney

Beauty manufacturers and formulators are highly interested in cannabis extracts but have not yet mastered global regulations, particularly those relating to ingredient sourcing and toxicology, says lab testing specialist Eurofins.

There is great opportunity for new cosmetic uses backed by clinical efficacy when working with CBD in the beauty space (Getty Images)


Cannabis beauty: CBD is ‘an exciting area for innovation’, says expert

By Natasha Spencer

Interest in cannabis beauty continues to rise, fuelled by a tide of interesting cannabidiol (CBD) product launches and fast-evolving science, but there remain challenges ahead for brands operating in the space, an expert says.

Trend Alert immunity-boosting skin care

Trend Alert: beauty consumers are ready for immunity-boosting skin care

By Dr. Ebru Karpuzoglu

The COVID19 pandemic has had far-ranging consequences on our lives and wellness, with the most immediate impact being concerns over our overall health both physically and mentally. At the same time, wellness and skin care are converging; and as a result,...

Bacterial cellulose - a naturally occurring nanomaterial made from some bacteria - is already used in cosmetics, largely as a face mask delivery system, but scientific research on its potential in cosmetics remains nascent (Getty Images)

Special edition: Active Skin Care – Protection and Healing in a Post-COVID World

Bacterial cellulose: The next big natural polymer in active beauty?

By Kacey Culliney

Interest around bacterial cellulose in cosmetic applications is mushrooming, spurred by skin hydration and active compound delivery promise, but beauty research on this naturally occurring nanomaterial remains nascent, say researchers.

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