Event Programme

Event Conferences – Mitochondria Targeting, Skin, Olfaction & Beauty

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Event Conferences – Mitochondria Targeting, Skin, Olfaction & Beauty

Targeting Mitochondria 2010 will highlight many potential strategies to prevent and treat Skin-ageing and other diseases.

The role of Mitochondria in photoageing of human skin: the defective powerhouse model and how Optimizing Mitochondrial Function as a target for anti-aging skin care will be largely discussed.
…The future of medicine and human health will probably come through Mitochondria…

Olfaction & Issues 2010 will be the “avangardist” conference of the year and we will talk about “taboo” subject as Pheromones. We will highlight cosmetic applications, pheromones, fragrances and flavors, packaging, umami trends, olfactive logo & marketing communication…

…Olfaction “the Forgotten Sense” must be more investigated for human health and our well-being…

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