Sustainable Beauty

White sugar beets © fotografixx Getty Images

IFF features upcycled ingredients in GENENCARE lineup

By Cassandra Stern

IFF’s GENENCARE collection takes a previously low-value processing byproduct from sugar beet molasses and transforms it into four effective and sustainable active ingredients for personal care product formulation.

Sulapac Luxe © Sulapac

Sulapac launches bio-based packaging material Sulapac Luxe

By Cassandra Stern

The novel bio-based material is ideal for luxury fragrance caps and other cosmetic and personal care product packaging options and offers brands the opportunity to switch to more environmentally friendly packaging without sacrificing quality or functionality,...

Weleda has created a small internal startup to build out fresh innovations across packaging and formulation [Getty Images]

Big Brand Talks – In Conversation with Today’s Beauty Leaders

Weleda R&D chief: ‘We’re trying to switch our way of innovating’

By Kacey Culliney

Swiss natural and organic beauty brand Weleda has formed a small-scale internal startup to speed up product development and market testing, presenting a very new way of working, its R&D head says.

Lush has a sense of activism embedded into its culture, from its founders through to everyday employees, which has helped accelerate change [Getty Images]

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit 2022 Paris, France

Lush exec: ‘If you want to make change, hire activists’

By Kacey Culliney

Hiring activists is a sure-fire way to accelerate environmental and sustainable change in a beauty business, and it’s a strategy that has worked well in driving impact at Lush so far, says its earth care strategy lead.


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