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Freshness and vibrant tropicals inspired from the great outdoors are key colour themes to tap into under the wider umbrella of 'peace' as beauty's most important trend in 2023 [Getty Images]

Special Edition - Bright Beauty: Fun, Joy and Colour Across Cosmetics, Hair Care and Body Care

Colours and textures: Tapping into the 2023 beauty theme of ‘peace’

By Kacey Culliney

Colours and materials that offer serenity alongside energy and fun will align well with consumer inspirations and behaviours this year, says French forecasting firm NellyRodi.

Skin care facials offer both physiological and psychological benefits - two cardinal components of hedonic wellbeing [Getty Images]

Special Edition - Bright Beauty: Fun, Joy and Colour Across Cosmetics, Hair Care and Body Care

Facials induce brain relaxation and spark positive emotions: Study

By Kacey Culliney

A one-hour skin care facial can induce celebral, cardiac, respiratory and muscular relaxation and drive positive emotions, thus improving overall wellbeing, say researchers.

Industry 5.0 will see the human element gain importance again, as workers return to factories with integrated smart technologies such as exoskeletons and drones [Getty Images]

The emergence of Industry 5.0: Beauty set to take a ‘sharp turn’

By Kacey Culliney

Beauty will soon transition into industry 5.0 where mixed reality and interconnected drones and exoskeletons will favour the human element, enabling brands to integrate societal values and wellbeing in a smart and efficient way, says an executive from...

Fragrance brands are today focusing on line extensions and flanker brands versus organic new product concepts [Getty Images]

Fragrance innovation: ‘Newness is down overall’, says Circana

By Kacey Culliney

Whilst the fragrance category has continued to show dynamism and growth in the past year, the number of new concept launches has stagnated, with growth instead coming from existing lines extensions and flanker brands, says market trends firm Circana.

Cork extract © guenterguni Getty Images

Cork extracts improve antioxidant function in cosmetic formulations

By Olivia DeSmit

In an effort to study more sustainable ingredient options to stabilize and improve antioxidant cosmetic formulations, Portuguese researchers examined the 'usefulness of cork extracts in the cosmetic industry' for wider application by manufacturers...

lemongrass © DavorLovicic Getty Images

Lemongrass essential oil may serve as skin protectant

By Olivia DeSmit

In a recent study, researchers observed that lemongrass extract improved 'epidermal hydration' and skin 'barrier integrity' with consistent topical application, suggesting its beneficial properties as a cosmetic bioactive ingredient.

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