Active beauty and nutricosmetics

Free Webinar: Beauty from Within 2023

Free Webinar: Beauty from Within 2023

By Cassandra Stern

Beauty-from-within supplements are a growing category in the beauty and personal care industries – but what information do formulators really need to know to make the best decisions for consumers? In this webinar, our panelists dive deep into the research...

Skin care facials offer both physiological and psychological benefits - two cardinal components of hedonic wellbeing [Getty Images]

Special Edition - Bright Beauty: Fun, Joy and Colour Across Cosmetics, Hair Care and Body Care

Facials induce brain relaxation and spark positive emotions: Study

By Kacey Culliney

A one-hour skin care facial can induce celebral, cardiac, respiratory and muscular relaxation and drive positive emotions, thus improving overall wellbeing, say researchers.

Cork extract © guenterguni Getty Images

Cork extracts improve antioxidant function in cosmetic formulations

By Olivia DeSmit

In an effort to study more sustainable ingredient options to stabilize and improve antioxidant cosmetic formulations, Portuguese researchers examined the 'usefulness of cork extracts in the cosmetic industry' for wider application by manufacturers...

sunscreen lipsticks © fotostorm Getty Images

Mesoporous silica may increase SPF of titanium dioxide

By Olivia DeSmit

In an effort to provide consumers with greater photoprotection for the UV sensitive lip area, researchers have recently published encouraging findings regarding the formulation of different lipsticks with protective sunscreen ingredient additives.

Researchers explore the pathways to berry health benefits

Researchers explore the pathways to berry health benefits

By Asia Sherman

Berry researchers from around the world gathered last week at the 9th Biennial Berry Health Benefits Symposium in Tampa, FL to take a deep dive along the metabolic pathways in search of the microbes and metabolites that contribute to human health.

toxic product © Vaselena Getty Images

Could racialized beauty norms be causing poor health outcomes?

By Cassandra Stern

Eurocentric beauty standards encourage use of potentially harmful chemical straighteners and skin lighteners, says researchers at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health in partnership with WE ACT for Environmental Justice.

Active ingredients can give makeup a 'skin care makeover' and tap into a range of important consumer trends [Getty Images]

Special Edition: Active Beauty - Vitamins, Minerals and Plant Power

Vitamin-infused makeup: A blooming path out of the COVID slump?

By Kacey Culliney

Three years ago, the makeup category fell out of focus as consumers prioritised skin care during the COVID-19 pandemic – a shift that has largely stuck, offering clear opportunities for skincare-infused colour cosmetic innovation, says a trend expert.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid offers many skin health benefits when incorporated into topical formulations, from UV damage protection to collagen maintenance [Getty Images]


The topical promise of vitamin C for skin health: Review

By Kacey Culliney

Topical cosmetic application of vitamin C is more effective than oral supplementation when targeting skin health, but challenges remain around stability and absorption, finds a review.

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