Formulation & Science

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Guest Article

Improving skin health with microbiome modulators

By Guus Kortman, Scientist and Senior Project Manager Microbiomics, and Janneke Ouwerkerk, Department Head Microbiology, at NIZO

Nizo experts discuss some of the key issues and challenges facing the nutraceutical and food ingredient industry today.

Academic research on incorporating live bacteria into topicals has widened, but industry moves in the space still face major hurdles [Getty Images]


L'Oréal scientist: Live bacteria ‘the dream’ for skin microbiome NPD

By Kacey Culliney

Innovation in cosmetic ingredients targeting the skin microbiome is surging, but the ultimate dream is to be able to incorporate beneficial live bacteria into formulations, says a principal scientist at L’Oréal Research & Innovation.

Vitamin D may help reduce eczema in early infancy

Vitamin D may help reduce eczema in early infancy

By Nicola Gordon-Seymour

Routine vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy can reduce incidence of atopic eczema in the first year of life, according to researchers at the University of Southampton.

Image credit: Adobe

New study finds sugar beet can balance skin microbiota

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

Italian and French researchers have identified that short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) in sugar beet have a positive impact on skin microbiota by restricting the opportunity for pathogen development and encouraging beneficial bacteria growth.

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